Data Gap Checklist2023-01-17T13:03:25+00:00

Data Gap Checklist

The quick and easy way to discover what your dashboards are missing.

Download the checklist to see if you have the information needed to drive engagement with targeted communications to increase your revenue-per-member.

Get the Checklist

After Completing This Checklist, You’ll Be Able To:

  • Identify data that your dashboards can (or can’t!) quickly and easily provide.
  • Recognize if you need to improve your insights into club (and member) behaviors.
  • Highlight areas where your data capabilities are lacking (and the potential implications).
  • Strategize how your clubs can use data to drive revenue and ROI.

More About the Checklist

The Easalytics Data Gap Checklist is the dashboard efficiency assessment you’ve been searching for. We created the Data Gap Checklist for two primary reasons:

1. Health clubs need data that empowers them to be proactive with members.

The right data empowers your team with information like attrition risk scores on every member, unidentified (but likely!) PT buyers, which high-value lost members are the best candidates for win-back campaigns, and so much more. With information like that, you can get ahead of member trends—and discover and implement the interventions that will initiate a response.

2. Fitness operators need to be more efficient with marketing spend.

If you and your teams can’t quickly discern the data points from the checklist, you aren’t getting the information you need to market to your current and prospective members effectively. In fact, you’re in keeping with the 78% of brands that struggle with “not having enough relevant, easily accessible data to launch relevant personalization tactics”.

Discover What Your Dashboards Are Missing.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are predictive analytics?2022-11-07T20:29:13+00:00

Predictive analytics make predictions about your members’ future actions/behaviors using past data, machine learning, and other statistical techniques. Predictive analytics tools can help health clubs better understand and serve their members by using demographic and behavioral variables.

How can I win back more lost members?2022-11-07T20:29:44+00:00

To win back more lost members, your health clubs need more effective segmenting tools so that you’re also winning back the right members—those with the highest probable ROI. With tools like our Winback Desirability Rating, your lost members are automatically categorized as low, medium, and high desirability so that your team can implement the appropriate interventions.

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