PT Purchase Probability Model
Discover your next
Personal Training clients

Improve your marketing and increase your profit margins by uncovering which members will most likely purchase personal training in the next three months.

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Uncover new personal training buyers

With the Predictive Model II add-on, you get access to our Personal Training (PT) Purchase Probability model. This score uses over 70 variables to accurately predict members’ likelihood to purchase PT within the next three months. It also determines previously unidentified, likely PT buyers without bothering members who won’t become long-term purchasers.


Increase your profit margins

Take the guesswork out of selling PT and focus on members who are most likely to buy—avoiding unnecessary discounts for members willing to pay full price. Plus, you can stop wasting time on members with little to no purchase potential—leading to a much higher return on effort (and investment!).


Hone your messaging

With Predictive Model II, you also get the knowledge of when to make your PT offers—allowing you to effectively time your offers for when members are most likely to buy. This increases profits while decreasing ad fatigue and unsubscribe rates.


No data science degree required

Our team and predictive models do the hard work, so you don’t have to. No data scientist, extra cloud storage, or coding required. Our Predictive Model II gets insights in a fraction of the time and expense of a custom project with much less risk.


Get started with Predictive Model II